Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Welcome to Fall 2007

Please read any of the blog entries from last spring there is some good stuff there. I will be adding more entries as the semester goes along.

What I would like each of you to do at this time is to post a comment to this item giving a brief introduction of yourself. I know we did it in class bu this is a more permanent record of such. In your postings use you real name (first and last) so we can get to know each other.

Let's work together to make this a great class and have a wonderful experience this semester.


Kacie Hutson said...

Hello, My name is Kacie Hutson. I am a senior French Major with minors in Leadership and management. I am a Chi Omega. I have one older sister who was also a Chi Omega. I am a APSU Peer Mentor and The Orientation Coordinator for the past two years. I love being involved on campus. I think this class is going to be very interesting for me. I hope to be in a managerial position of an international Hotel or restaurant chain with in the next 5 years.

Clint Spann said...

Hello again everybody! This is Clint Spann comin' to ya live from a stuffy office in Kimbrough!

A little about me:

I was raised in White Bluff, TN. It's in Dickson Co. It's pretty small. I've lived there for most of my life, with the exception of two years in Murfreesboro (tried college at MTSU right out of high school...didn't work so great) and the year that I lived with my cousin in Hermitage. I like it in White Bluff, but there's not much there in the way of good jobs.

I've worked at my family's lumber mill on and off for years. I've also worked at a CeeBee food store, an Outback, Scott's Computers in Dickson (for free), Board of Education in Dickson (for free...again), NASBA (paid intern), and am currently working for a couple professors in the Kimbrough building.

I will graduate in May of '08. I am a double major: communications, with a concentration in corporate comm; and computer science, with concentrations in internet/web and database. I came back to school because I didn't want to lift lumber for the rest of my days.

I've been seeing the same girl for almost five months. She's related to one of my close friends. We've known each other our whole lives (pretty much) and were both in the same grade, but we just recently started dating. It's pretty awesome. She's got a place on the river. I've been staying there and bumming off her, instead of my parents, for a while.

Other than that, I like music (mostly metal, but a lot of other stuff too), movies, mixed martial arts, working out, drumming, video games, going out on the river. Eating, drinking, and breathing are pretty cool too. I also think I'm becoming a big nerd because of my newfound addiction to computers/web design/etc. I guess if you're gonna get a job, you might as well like it, huh?


Clint Spann

Matt Harris said...

Hello, I'm Matt Harris. I am a senior this year who is not looking forward to graduation in May. With a little luck I'll end up in law school next Fall.

I'm a Political Science major and Leadership Studies minor. I'm a proud member of Sigma Chi Fraternity, and stay fairly busy running around Clarksville with my Brothers. I'm very excited about this course, and look forward to more interaction with everyone else in the class.

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Christy McGee. I am a Corporate Communications major here at Austin Peay. I will be graduating in August. I am communications coordinator for the Baptist Collegiate Ministries and I love it! After graduation I hope to be working with the Tennessee Titans doing promotion work. I recently got engaged and will be getting married in May! I think this class is going to be a great one that will provide me with a lot of important skills and knowledge!

Sarah said...

Hey y'all! My name is Sarah Schussler and I'm a senior corporate communication major with an international studies minor. This is my second year at Austin Peay. Before I came to Austin Peay I attended Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin. I graduated from there with an A.A. in theater. My hometown is Greenbrier, a one red light town. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up so maybe this class can help me out with that.

Molly O'Brien said...

Hey this is Molly O'Brien, im a 20 year old senior in corporate communications. As many of you, Im hoping to graduate this may. I live in Bellevue, tn and commute to Clarksville three days a week, which is not fun. I was born and raised in Franklin, Tn. I think this class is going to be very interesting and useful.

Marc' C. Bady said...

Hello All! My name is Marc' Chamberlain Bady. I am a Senior Computer Science major with a minor in Music and Leadership (pretty random huh?). I am from Memphis, TN and I love to sing. I am apart of the Greek system here at Austin Peay State Univeristy as a Sigma Phi Epsilon member since 2005. I started my academic career out as a Resident Assistance and then become involved in the SGA/Tribunal organization. Last year I was a Resident Hall Director and later appointed as the Chief Justice of SGA. I left the housing position to resume fulltime responsibilites as a member of SGA. I am really looking foward to this class and hope that it further molds me as a person who works well with others. A few years from now if the Music dream fades away I would like to become A Dean of Students or some kind of administrator working at a great College.

Will Moore said...

Hello, my name is Will Moore. I am entering my junior year. After years of contemplating what I wanted to do with my life, I chose to become a Corporate Communications Major. This past weekend I entered into adult hood, celebrating my 21st birthday. I am a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. I was raised in Springfield, Tennessee, nothing really special there. There really is not much interesting stuff about me. I know some of you, and those who I don't know I truly look forward to getting to know you all. Have a good day.

Martha Howell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martha Byrd said...

Hi again everyone! (I previously posted a comment, but realized I had a spelling error or two!) My name is Martha Byrd and I'm a senior Communications major with minors in Business and Communications. I'm planning on graduating in MAY and then moving to Knoxville to attend graduate school at UT.

I've been married for two years and my husband and I own a photography and videography company, Capsule Productions. In addition to doing the promotions, accounting, and other grunt work for our business, I work at Victoria's Secret and at the Office of Admissions at APSU.

I look forward to having a fantastic semester!

Robin White said...

I'm Robin and I think I pretty much most of you will know me from other classes. I'm a Senior Corp Comm major, and I'm so excited that what I've always wanted to do matches what I really enjoy doing. I know some people just aren't that lucky. I am president of IABC this year and we need people. So join.
(if you want, you can talk to Martha or Clint about PRSSA)

I am a membership specialist for the Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee and I am in charge of around 500 girls. Which, that sounds like a lot until I tell you that I am responsible for three counties and 500 total while my boss is responsible for 1 county and 2500 girls in that one county. But I really like what I am doing, and it's a paying that's awesome.

I live in Fairview, TN (which is about 30 minutes from everywhere except Clarksville) with my wonderful boyfriend Mark, my adorable cat Oscar, and my crazy dog Mollie. I'm on-campus Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this semester and I'm looking forward to my schedule.

I've been excited about taking this class for a while and since I'm a commuter, I'm really happy that I could take it this semester and have it all work out so well.

April said...

Hello everyone!! My name is April McDonald. I'm a senior, looking forward to May, with a major in Mass Comm with a concentration in Corp Comm and a minor in print journalism. I am currently online editor of The All State ( (shameless plug!!) :) I live in a hole in the wall (no stop lights!) called Vanleer, with my husband and our two kids, 17 year old daughter who will turn 18 in less then 2 weeks, and 8 year old son. I really enjoy reading, writing, and off-roading. I am a non-trad student who has done alot of jobs in my life. My first real job was helping making suspension systems for 18 wheelers, I've also been a certified nurse's aide, and in the army (for all of 8 months; short story is that my first sergent set it up so that I failed my physical training test. I drove 18 wheelers while there.) I'm looking forward to this class even if it is at night!!!

Jim Parker said...

Great job so far. Thank you all.

Samantha Paris said...

Hello, My name is Samantha Paris. I am 25 years old. I am a Senior here at APSU. I am a Corporate Comm. Major with a Journalism Minor. This will be my third semester at APSU. I first attended Hopkinsville Community College and graduated with a Associates Degree in Arts. I have an internship this semester with BMI in Nashville. For people that may not know what that is it stands for Broadcast Music Incorporated. I am nervous about starting there. I am from Hopkinsville, Kentucky where I have lived there since I was about 10 years old. I was born in Louisville,Ketucky and last year moved to Clarksville with my fiance Brian. We have three dogs. A puggle named Sandi, a pekignese named Mimi, and a mutt named Rob.

kristen said...

my name is Kristen Duncan and I am a senior corporate comm major with a minor in sociology. I am also and alpha delta pi. I graduate in may and hope to be involved in advertising in some way. I love talking, and meeting new people, and I hope that we have a great semester!!

bhuff_32 said...

Hey, I'm Bryan Huffman. I'm a senior Corporate Communications major with minors in Leadership and General Business. I'll be taking my LSAT September 29th. I want to go into Business Law and will be attending law school either here in Tennessee, Minnesota, or Florida. Here at Austin Peay I am pretty involved on campus. Currently I serve as Student Government Association President and am a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. I'm interested to see what this class has to offer, because organizational communication is at the essence of nearly everything we do; be it within SGA or working in a law firm.

Cassie Hall said...

Hi! I'm Cassie Hall. I'm a senior corp. comm. major with marketing minor. I want to do promotional work in the music industry. I went to MTSU last year for two semesters to take my electives in music business and I loved it. I've been working with a band for the past few years and they just signed with Toby Keith's record label. They are presently on tour with him. So, I hope to continue to work with them after I graduate.

I live in Dickson, TN. I'm 23 years old. I work at Sonic Drive-In and I have to wear rollerskates. I also bartend at a small bar in Dickson.

When I'm not working, I like to go to Nashville and network with music business professionals at special events. I love anything that has to do with music.

Margaret said...

Hello, my name is Margaret Wallace. I am a junior looking to graduate in 2009 with a degree in corporate communications. I was born in Des Moines Iowa but moved to Smyrna TN about 10 years ago. I have two older brothers that have graduated from MTSU. As of right now I am a Resident Assistant on campus for Killebrew Hall. I also work at Ruby Tuesdays as a server. I’m really not sure what I want to do after college, I mean I do still have a few years to think about it.

Unknown said...

Well hello everybody!
I think I really might be the last person to make this post, but maybe someone will check it and read it anyway. :)
My name is Sarah Hartley, and this is my first semester here at Austin Peay. My major is Corporate Communications and my minor is Broadcast Media. I transferred from MTSU, but I've lived in Clarksville all my life and this is really where I call my home. As of right now, I think I want to be a wedding planner.
I've just recently moved into a new apartment (actually it's a duplex) and it's so cute! Very small but perfect for me.
In my spare time, I like to hang out with my boyfriend, spend money, and just be lazy. I'm not very interesting.
I am hoping to join some student groups and things like that so I can meet people though, so if anyone can help steer me in the right direction that would be helpful.

Unknown said...

Hello my name is Tomas Janusauskas. I am a senior should graduate in 2008 may. I am from Lithuania. Crazy about Lithuania national team. Basketball is big part of my life. I started play when I was 10 and never stop...and wish to play after college in Europe, always was a goal for me to play in Euroleague(ins the strongest league in Europe) favorite team is Kaunas Zalgiris they from Lithuania I watch them play since I was born. My dream is to wear they jersey one day.

Unknown said...

Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Stewart and I am a junior here at Austin Peay. I have worked at Rafferty's for 6 and a half years waiting tables and greeting. I know it seems like a long time but it really doesn't feel like I've been there that long. After 5 semesters of not having a clue as to what I want to do with the rest of my life I decided to just choose a major and chose corporate communications. I'm just really tired of waiting tables and cannot wait to graduate!!