Wednesday, September 26, 2007


We are going to look at how to do GOOD PowerPoint presentations rather than those boring slides with just bullet points that put us all to sleep. No one wants to see a presentation during which the presenters just reads the slides to the audience.

The PowerPoint slides need to help tell the story the presenter is attempting to relate to the audience. Presentations need to be dynamic and sell the ideas the presenter is attempting to communicate to the audience.

Here are some resources. Use them to help make your presentations better.

Presentation Zen

Beyond Bullet Points

Really Bad PowerPoint

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tell us about your experience with managers.

Much of management or organization theory still hearkens back to what Miller writes about in Chapters 1 & 2. The classical and human relations approaches both have merits but have become accepted as fact when as you found out in your readings both approaches lack a truly strong empirical basis.

Let's keep the conversation going that we started with the introductions. I would like each of you to give a description of both good and bad organizational settings you have experienced.

In addition to posting your experiences I would like to make this more of a conversation by having you post a comment about at least one other person's experiences.