Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Critical Approach to Organization

Read this article and the New York Times,

The Smear This Time

What do you think of Anita Hill has to say in light of the feminist critique of organizations?


April said...

This is a hard one for me to answer because I am also in an intro to law class, and I keep thinking about the law aspect of it. Either way she has every right to her freedom of speech, and if what she says is true, she should be speaking up. People should know how this man is, and I can not image an organization wanting a man like this to be in a management position. I may comment more after sleep!

Molly O'Brien said...

Sounds to me like this woman has had some bad luck in her career. Its hard for me not to wonder if she is overreacting a bit, or maybe this is something she either rises above or leaves. I understand her position, and I have experienced similar circumstances in places that I have worked, but I decided to leave. If I dont agree with what is being said or how I am being treated, I figure I am too good to be working for or with those people anyways. I think this article was just a chance for this woman to whine about not being treated fairly as a woman, when most women have been through similar things.

Clint Spann said...

I remember when the trial took place…vaguely. I pretty much just remember the cola can thing. However, I did know that Justice Thomas just released a book where he rails on Anita Hill. Anyway, I’m not gonna take sides. I think they both have a right to say what they want...that’s America…right?

Anita Hill is definitely taking a feminist approach in terms of pointing out the sexual harassment and downplaying of her qualifications by letting the world know through this article. Whether she actually was a good worker, I have no idea.

…which leads me to the idea of tokenism. I wonder if Justice Thomas originally hired her so there could be woman in a visibly prominent position? And I can’t help but get the feeling that she got railroaded for speaking out. If she was a good worker, that’s pretty sad. If she wasn’t a good worker, then she deserved it.