Monday, December 8, 2008

ADR and its uses

My project was over a rapidly growing procedure called, ADR. ADR stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution, and is found in many corporate businesses. ADR is a procedure that many executives are finding to be very useful for resolving disputes between other businesses they are associated with, or doing business.

For example, if two business had a long life of working together but because of hard times, one decides to go over the others head and leave the contract or in some way wrong the other company, the first company being wronged may choose to sue their once business partner. That is when ADR would be used. ADR would be used to help resolve the problem before it turned into litigation and cost both companies a substantial amount of money and time. Because when an argument escalades to the court, it will cost both sides alot of money and generally end the business relationship.

ADR is not always the answer, sometimes it will take litigation to straigten out a problem, but in most cases it is very essential in saving time and money. Both time and money are very valueble assests to businesses.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Presentation Overview

I watched a presentation presented by fashion designer Issac Mizrahi and he is basically talking about his experiences as a fashion designer. During the presentation, whenever he was talking about certain clothing, pictures were displayed while he was speaking. I thought the pictures helped made his presentation more effective because the audience could see what he was talking about. I also liked his sense of humor as well, which helped made his topic more personal with his audience and he held good eye contact as well.

Grid Test

Before taking this quiz, I was unsure, what I would be. I enjoy working with people, at the same time, I am very goal oriented. I want others around me to know that I am hard working and dependable. After taking the quiz, I was surprised to find out that I am a team leader. I was not expecting that. I feel that I am capable of being a leader and capable of following a leader. However, I'm used to following a leader. I definitely feel if no one is taking the initiative on a project, I certainly have no problem taking over that specific project. Through this quiz, I learned that I take creativity very seriously. I enjoy learning and feeding off of other people's energies. I believe creativity can add a sense of value to your work.

New York Times Company: Blogging Policies

New York Times Company, a $3.2 billion media company owns several daily newspapers such as The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, and The Boston Globe. Based on reading the company's blogging policy, they take their policies very serious. Within the company's Web Pages and Web Logs policy, it cautions that all staff members should keep their personal interests seperate from their profession. For example, if a journalist has a blog that is not associated with the company should keep that blog personal. Journalists should not post any information of the company on their personal blogs. It also states that employees who write blogs regularly, should avoid discussing topics that they cover professionally, because it will confuse the company's audience. Personal journals under the company's website should be edited by the company first.

Adult Personal Conflict Style Inventory

I must admit taking this test was a very interesting experience. It forced me to think about how I interact with people whether they were individuals involved in school group projects and even personal relationships. With my analysis, under the "calm" section, I ranked the highest among the Accommodating (Score:11) and Compromising (Score: 8). I was not surprised by this. I do not like confrontations or any type of arguments. I rather solve the problem quickly, compromise my need in place of someone's needs, or remain quiet in the situation. Under the "storm" section, I also scored the highest in Accommodation. However, I scored equally with compromising and avoidance. I definitely agree with the test results. When things get intense, I definitely use these conflict styles, mainly to protect myself and those who may be involved in the situation. I definitely feel that within intense situations, I should communicate more openly instead of using the avoidance style because open communication is always the best solution for all parties involved.

Personal Stress Analysis

Before, taking the stress index, I was unsure of what my score would be. As a college student, I do take on a lot of stress, but I do try my best in "listening to my body". I do have the tendency to neglect my health in order to accomplish my daily tasks. After taking the test, my score was a 7, which means I fairly have good control over my stress and I think the score is accurate. I do take on a lot of stress, however if I realize that I'm taking it too far, I will take a break or relax for a few minutes. I also feel that I can do a better job on handling my stress by doing things like getting more sleep and avoiding making a big deal out of certain situations.