Monday, December 8, 2008

ADR and its uses

My project was over a rapidly growing procedure called, ADR. ADR stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution, and is found in many corporate businesses. ADR is a procedure that many executives are finding to be very useful for resolving disputes between other businesses they are associated with, or doing business.

For example, if two business had a long life of working together but because of hard times, one decides to go over the others head and leave the contract or in some way wrong the other company, the first company being wronged may choose to sue their once business partner. That is when ADR would be used. ADR would be used to help resolve the problem before it turned into litigation and cost both companies a substantial amount of money and time. Because when an argument escalades to the court, it will cost both sides alot of money and generally end the business relationship.

ADR is not always the answer, sometimes it will take litigation to straigten out a problem, but in most cases it is very essential in saving time and money. Both time and money are very valueble assests to businesses.

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