Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Decision making styles

With the magnitude of decisions i am required to make every single day, it would seem near impossible that i do not have a set system for making decisions. i think my decision making process is all about prioritization. i prioritize my decisions into areas of my life- work, school, and personal (including marathon training) and try to make the smartest decision I can each day for the circumstances. Like most busy people, time constraints limit my decision making process.
The older I get, the more I search for the work/ life balance that is so hard to achieve. With that in mind I find myself spending more time on personal issues while just trying to fit everything else in. The decision to finish school was a personal objective and it was made quickly. The decision to go back was not hard- finding the time, money, and energy is a whole other story.
The decision to run a marathon was a little more thought out- but not much. I set a goal, had the drive and made the decision every week to follow up on that goal.
In my work environment, there is less time for sitting down, waying out options and finding the rational choice- after you have been in this business you know that you make a choice and the important thing is to follow through. I think the idea of rational decisions puts a lot of pressure on people. Sometimes there is a right or wrong decision and sometimes that decision just means you try again until you find what works for you. Overall i make more intuitive decisions and I have found that follow through is almost as important as the inital decision.

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