Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stress Index

Although the stress test put a number or range in my head of where I stand exactly, I already knew that I was operating at maximum capacity. It seems like each year I add one more thing to my plate, without ever stopping to take something off. I took the stress index at the following site:
At this site- they assign a certain number value to situations that could/are occurring in your life. The site says that the average person handles around 100 stress points without much difficulties. My number came in at 148. It says it's time to relax.. and if your stressors can not be changed to take a little time off. Great advice- if only it were that easy.
The two biggest stressors in my life- personal situation and my work- are both unchangeable at the moment. My work would be much more manageable if only I could have a little more time off. Our time off is granted by numbers of years worked at the company- and it seems to be fairly consistent with other companies policies. The problem is we work much more than the average company- the only day of the year we close is Christmas Day. We work every federal holiday, weekend, late hours with rotating shifts that never let you settle into a sleep cycle. So while my friend gets 2 weeks off a year; she also gets thanksgiving plus a day or two, Christmas eve and Christmas plus a day or two, new years day, and a couple other days off. So it would seem a change of employment would be the best solution but financially is not feasible at this time. I will probably have to stay here until I finish school- which hopefully is only one more year.
So my plan of action is this- 1. take one day at a time. This works especially well when hit with a large school load on top of workload. 2. Keep my goal in front of me- to graduate college to get a better job- which will allow me to reach my potential and ultimately give me more of a work/life balance 3. Remember what I've accomplished so far.- i went from working 30 hours a week to working 50+ AND took on the responsibility of school AND have completed 3 full marathons and 5 half marathons 4. Take a little time every day to pay myself first- usually this involves running but could also be my in style magazine- even 30 minutes really makes a difference
So far my plan is carrying me through- I think there are times in your life where you test yourself and stretch yourself because in the end the rewards could be great.

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