Wednesday, April 8, 2009

There is no "I" in team

Teams are put together to be more effecient to accomplish the task that they have at hand. Certain teams are put together to successfully complete a single assignment, while others are put together until the team is content to call it quits. Some win world series and superbowls, while others just turn in a report, but regardless what they are for they are designed to get the job done correctly and in the best way possible.
I have been a part of many good teams in my life, a state championship golf team, a championship winning basketball little league team, and a third in the nation bible quizzing team, but never before did I have to analyze a team so seriously as the time my staff or so called team fell apart. Work would not get finished and if it was finished it would be a piss poor effort. Dishes were left dirty, morales were down, and altogether the whole team was disfunctional. As a manager, your team represents your quality and when I understood that I understand that I seemed to be displaying a very low quality as a manager for some reason.
I witnessed fighting at work and so I tried to solve the quarrels, people being lazy so I tried to give reason to work harder, people being late so I tried to schedule them earlier, but finally one day I snapped and instead of taking it out on my workers I studied their behavior I came to a very powerful realization in my life. These employees were my teammates but they did not experience the same pressures as me and so I then understood what I think all middle managers will in their career and that is that in the battle between the owners and the lower employees, the hand that writes your check will always win. The very next day I let an employee go, followed by another 3 days later, when threats were given to me that my whole staff may quit I simply stated go ahead I'll get more hours. Being a manager is an accomplishment that shows your quality as a person and you may be a kind person but it also shows that you are a smart person. The nicest people will get taken advantage of in this world so when it came to the choices lose my position or hold on to my kind ways I was able to make the smartest choice for me, hopefully you will do the same.

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