These are several scores I received from taking 'stress tests.' I think most of my stress comes from simply being very busy. The tests are often making assumptions about people according to how much they have to do, how much responsibility you have, and how realistic you are about things you can accomplish. I realize that I am busy, and I realize that I do not necessarily have to do all the stuff I make commitments about. However, I enjoy being busy and often feel more stressed when I have nothing I have to do at all. In other words I always feel that I should be doing something.
If your score totals 150 or more:
You have a 50-50 chance of developing an illness.
If your score totals 300 or more:
You have a 90 percent chance of developing an illness.
My total score was 358 - 40k -
Your score is = 13
Scores of 1-6 Few Hassles
Scores of 7-12 Pretty Good Control
Scores of 13-17 Danger Zone. Watch out!
Scores of 18+ Stressed Out. You may need help.
Overall Score
This score is a measure of overall emotional well-being. Your score is 3.56 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted. Your score indicates that you are similar to people who report that they have benefited from short-term counseling with a professional counselor.
People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.99)
People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.19)
People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.65)
People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.17)
Quality of Life Score
This is a measure of how happy or satisfied you are with your life, including overall self-esteem, health, friends and family, and work or school. Your score is 3.9 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.
People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.92)
People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 2.98)
People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.52)
People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 3.93)
Symptom Distress Score
This score measures your symptoms of depression, anxiety, and hostility. Your score is 3 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.
People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 2.75)
People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.04)
People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.50)
People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.24)
Level of Functioning Score
This is a measure of how well you are able to get along in the community. Your score is 3.75 on a range of 1 to 5. A higher score indicates that you are more well-adjusted.
People who are severely stressed and may benefit from intesive help (average = 3.32)
People who report receiving benefit from outpatient counseling (average = 3.61)
People who report receiving benefit from short-term counseling from a professional counselor (average = 3.99)
People who are functioning well and don't feel they need professional counseling (average = 4.32
4 points or more:
You are very prone to the negative effects of stress and may be open to stress-related illness. You must not delay in doing something about it. Seek professional stress management counseling and consult your medical doctor.
You are a person with a sympathetic nervous system.
This means that stress causes you to react with extreme excitement:
- The blood vessels constrict
- The pulse is too fast
- The muscles tense up
- The glands get more activated
- Stress hormones are released (adrenalin rush)
You could easily get anxiety attacks, not depressions.
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