Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Adult Inventory

I completed the Adult Personal Conflict Style Inventory. At times during the survey it was hard for me to admit that I am actually the way I am. I almost realized at times that I have little concern for other people... However, when I got my final scores back, the questions balanced each other out to give me a somewhat positive score. On the calm side, I was ranked as collaborating. I thought this was fitting, it is described as, "we both win." I am pretty good about difusing a situation before it gets too heated. On the Storm side, I was equally ranked as Compromising and Forcing. This is very true... I attempt to force what is right, but I am also willing to compromise as long as the biggest issue is taken care of. As a Fraternity officer, it is very common to be considered as forcing. Forcing is described as, doing the right thing, which may not always be the popular decision.


Rylan Kean said...

"Forcing is described as, doing the right thing, which may not always be the popular decision." So true, sometimes we just have to make people listen and do what we want.

Rylan Kean said...
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