Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stress Index

I took the stress index survey and got a score of 4. I feel as if this score was pretty accurate because most of the time I am very low stress. It really takes a lot to get me worked up and worried about things. However, I realized that the times that I stress the most is whenever I procrastinate and do not start working on a paper or project until the last minute. I know that if I become a little bit more organized and spread my work out over the course of several days that my stress level would probably decrease tremendously. In times like these, where I have 3 papers due in 2 days, my stress level is pretty high. I shouldn't have procrastinated and hopefully next time I can learn from my mistakes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Stress Analysis

When I did my stress index, I knew that in my life I have some days that are very stressful and others that aren't. I try to plan most things out but I know sometimes it is good to take things as they come at me. But the stress index concluded that I was a stage 8. It said, "You've got your life in fairly good control. Work on choices and habits that could still be causing you some unnecessary stress in your life." So it basically told me what I already new about myself.

My stress Index

After taking the stress test I was not surprised that my stress index was high. This semester has been extremely stressful. I am working 38 hours a week and I go to school 18 hours. Between balancing out school and work and trying to manage time for my family and friends i feel like i could have a break down at any moment. I am burned out, but I realize the importance of continuing so as the stress test stated I will make every attempt think carefully about choices I've made and take relaxation breaks every day.

Stress Analysis

On the Virginia Community Association Network stress assessment my score was 305. I was not surprised by the high number this year has been full of extremely stressful situations for me. On the Canadian Mental Health Association assessment my score was 15. It was a little disturbing when the score popped up and it said Danger Zone. It was like it was saying my head was going to explode or something. I know I have a large amount of stress right now and I deal with it one thing at a time and try not to let everything drag me down. I think the worse thing about stress is dwelling on everything. The VCAN site had some good recommendations like daydreaming to relieve your stress levels. I find that I like to read to get my mind off of the everyday stress.

My Stress Index

My Thought on Stress Tests............

After taking the Canadian Mental Health Association's Stress Index test I have learned that I have very few hassles in my life and should try not to shy away from challenges. Half way through the questionnaire I was thinking that a few of the questions seemed a little out of the blue. For example, the ones pertaining to exercise and diet at first I thought that these would make a difference in your stress area, but then again I guess that those components would play a factor in how you handle your stress. I think that stress index is somewhat true because at this moment I feel hassle-free of all the normal stresses that occur in person's life. But on other hand, that's why some stress tests I think wouldn't be an accurate measurement because it depends on how that person is feeling at that moment. Overall, I think that stress is perfect "as of right now" your stress level, not an "all the time" measurement.

Stress Scoring!

When I began this stress test, I felt rather confident that it would find me to be a rather relaxed and in control person. As I was taking the test it began to really make me think about the questions that it was asking, and I can make man contrasts to other people's lives. While I have been able to repel stress and stay in control, I often see people who would have answered yes to the questions. I actually scored a 8! It said tha I was mainly in control of my life, but to work on the few small things that will cause unneccesary extra stress. These results were actually what I expected so I guess its a pretty acurate test! My name is Jonah Miller and this is my results for a very popular stress test! That is found at Canadian Mental Health Association's website here.

Stress Tests

I took the Virginia Community Association Network stress test. On the VCAN test, I made a 194. I don't guess I am too stressed. I have some stress in my life for sure, but what fun is life without some stress in it? I hope that the stress will pay off in the long run. I never thought some of the things that they suggested cause stress would actually be a stressor, but once I thought about it, many of my recreational activites do stress me more than class itself.

The Second test I took was the Canadian Mental Health Association stress test. On this test I scored an 8. This is pretty low I suppose. It says that my life is fairly in good control. It also says I should cut down on the unneccessary stress in my life. I can agree with this statement. I do have useless stress in my life, but once again, its all good and fun and I hope that it pays off in the end.

Stress Survey!

I scored a 9 on the Canadian Health Association’s Stress Index Test. That number was actually a lot lower than I thought it would be, because I do tend to take on way more than I should. I’m a self-diagnosed over achieving people pleaser. Therefore, I almost always lack the ability to say no, thus continuing to take on more and more projects and commitments.

On the Virginia Community Association stress survey, I scored a 409. I know that number seems high, and the average person is supposed to handle around 100, but I feel like I handle my stress pretty well. I handle it not by something I read in a textbook, but by keeping myself centered in my faith. This year the stress in my life has really gone up for a number of reasons, health wise, deaths in the family, etc.

Stress Index

My stress index from the Virginia Community Association Network website added up to 134. Many of the stresses in my life right now come simply from the timeframe of everything that is about to happen: graduation, moving, changing jobs, and the holidays. At the end of December many of these stressful situations will be dealt with and my total number will reduce drastically. I liked the list of common ways to relax. A few of these that I practice is muscle relaxation, eating healthy, physical fitness, and meditation. Time management is a constant worry of mine that I need to deal with better in the future. 

My stress index on the Canadian Mental Health Association chart was 9 and stated "you've got your life in fairly good control. Work on the choices and habits that could still be causing you some unnecessary stress in your life." The score total doesn't surprise me and I see various aspects of my life I could improve on.


I got an 8 on the Canadian Mental Health Association. It says that I got everything under control to my surprise. I feel stressed most of the time, but maybe that is because I thrive off stress and have learned how to use it to my advantage. Sometimes I put things on my plate just to see if I can do it while doing everything else. I do feel like I am stressed a lot and the Stress Index affirms that with a self score of 223. That I feel is more representative of what my life is really like. Dealing with full time school, running a growing business, leadership position in two non-profit organizations, and having a girlfriend makes everything very stressful. The thing is during the winter most of these things slow down, but this is the time I hate and almost slide into a depression of not having something to do.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stress Index

When I visited the Virginia Community Association Network website, my Stress Index was 151. I have many obligations at school and at work. Also, I am experiencing changes at work that are very stressful. I am stretched pretty thin and am involved in a lot both at school and extracurricular. I also took another stress test from the Canadian Mental Health Association website. In this test, I scored 10 points.
I thought both tests were accurate because I am not too stressed ALL the time. I am mostly stressed when I have a week where everything is due, I have to work a lot, I have many meetings, and many social events to attend all in the same week. This stresses me out because I am a procrastinator and I never think about doing an assignment or task way before it is due. I am learning to better manage my time and use the time that I have during the day to get things done!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stress Index

My score on the stress index was a 309. Since it said that most people can handle 100 stress points easily, I was surprised my score was not much higher. I get stressed out too easily. Most of my stressors were anything having to do with school, living conditions because I recently moved, and money. I have already been to the burnout stage twice, which is not fun. It caused me to quit both things I was involved in because I was so burned out. Luckily, I am not there right now, but I am also taking a small break after I graduate in December and it helps having that to look forward to. The only thing I did not like about this index was that it suggested to not "get a divorce, take time off and get pregnant" at the same time. Life happens and you cannot help what it throws at you! I try my best to cope with stress by staying on top of school work. I also try to do someting fun and relaxing on Saturday's and I always make sure that I am done with homework by 9 p.m. and I stop at that time if I am not already done. This helps to keep me sane and to not get overwhelmed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Adult Personal Conflict Style Inventory Tally

Adult Personal Conflict Style Inventory Tally

I recently took a survey to tell me how I deal with stresses and problems.
12 Forcing
11 Collaborating
11 Accommodating
9 Compromising
9 Avoiding

these were my calm scores. It seems to be pretty accurate and describe me pretty closely when there is a general problem between me and someone else.

11 Collaborating
10 Compromising
9 Forcing
7 Accommodating
4 Avoiding

these are my storm scores which describes how I handle problems after they become more difficult and hard to solve. These also seem to describe my personality very well. I generally try to figure out the problem and solve it, then compromising is another alternative I also use to solve difficult problems. You can take this test at this site: