Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stress Index

My score on the stress index was a 309. Since it said that most people can handle 100 stress points easily, I was surprised my score was not much higher. I get stressed out too easily. Most of my stressors were anything having to do with school, living conditions because I recently moved, and money. I have already been to the burnout stage twice, which is not fun. It caused me to quit both things I was involved in because I was so burned out. Luckily, I am not there right now, but I am also taking a small break after I graduate in December and it helps having that to look forward to. The only thing I did not like about this index was that it suggested to not "get a divorce, take time off and get pregnant" at the same time. Life happens and you cannot help what it throws at you! I try my best to cope with stress by staying on top of school work. I also try to do someting fun and relaxing on Saturday's and I always make sure that I am done with homework by 9 p.m. and I stop at that time if I am not already done. This helps to keep me sane and to not get overwhelmed.

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