Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CHARLES '' DON-JUAN '' HUNTER ( Who and What im about)

I'm a young man looking toward his future. Putting God first in my life.My Life is forever in his hands. No amount of money or anything will take him away. I found out through him all things are possible. With God I can allow him to order my steps. Ive come to find out that he is the real love, all love. With him I know being me and knowing me is all that matters. I know people talk and with him I don't care what they say. I'm a reborn child of God. No one or nothing can break me down. So in order to know me, you have to know what I stand for and what side of the battle field I stand on. So with Love this is my message and page. I may not be the strongest man, I may not be the softest man. I know I'm the most outgoing, I know I'm not the shyest. I may not ask for everything, I may only ask for a few things. I may not agree, I may not disagree. Not as tall as you, Not as short as you. I may not be the typical black man, The decisions and actions I choose to do is what makes me. they told me when I decided to walk with the Lord, and take him in completely, everything would change. YES I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE CHANGE IS IN ME! Have you ever noticed when something wonderful happens in your life, you expect the world to be just as excited or care as much as you do? It’s like what happens to you has to matter to the rest of the population. When we love and it is not returned we get angry and frustrated because “thas not how it’s supposed to go!” Guess what! When something happens to me, good or bad, it is my experience, and it doesn’t matter how the world receives it. When I love, I am content in knowing that while it did not grow in others, IT GREW IN ME. And the people to come don’t have to worry being blamed for another person’s action or inaction. I know — because of wisdom — it’s not their burden to carry. Don’t get me wrong, we are still human and we are in this experience until our transition. I am certainly more conscious of what I am doing because while love was growing in me for someone who did not want to or was not able to love me back, so was forgiveness and compassion and the divine art of “letting go!” How sad one must feel not to love anyone — not even them self — because of an addiction or because they can’t let go of what happened to them before. Just keep your eyes open! Shift sure has mines OPEN!!! and IM LOVIN IT!!!! I know theres a time and season for everything and nothing last forever. So I choose to approach life with an opened mind. I don’t just live life but I make it my point to experience it. I believe every day is a chance to do it better than yesterday. Although there are many people in my life I know at what distance they belong, as well as what purpose they serve.. sOoO important! Theres something just not right about having too many people in your circle, which is why I have a dream team close net friends and family, none of which are concerned with popularity, that I can always draw on for strength to accomplish my dreams. If you would like to get to know me it is important that U understand the thin line between mere complacency and a self continentment that only God can give. be approachable and sincere with a pure heart! I believe that people at peace with themselves are often considered boring by those who are envious at heart, crave popularity, and the spotlight. It's helped me clearly evaluate where and who I want to be in the future and i will continue to follow MY dreams with or without you on my team. BELIEVE that what you truely believe you are at heart is exactly what you will be. I've learned that nothing worth having comes easily because it's the character built along the way that prepares me for what's meant to be mine. I know I'll fall a few times but I'm assured through MY OWN life that when I get up I'll be much stronger.

This is me. WHO ARE YOU??

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