Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Self Actualization is Not Settling

Self actualization as known to maslow is the reaching of one's potential or in simpler words being all that you can be. People often become lost in this world just trying to live correctly from day to day and never making sacrifice for the greater good and through that self actualization is a concept that sadly most people don't quite get. I believe it was Thomas Carlyle that stated that men do less than they ought if they do not all that they can and Epictetus says that first a man must decide what he wants to be then he must do all he can to be it. I know these quotes very well because these are the two quotes I have always lived by. I believe that the only moment a person should be satisfied with themselves is on their death bed. In life there is too much to be accomplished and if we fall lesser than that of a god we did not accomplish everything. Settling with yourself is a travesty and should be more frowned upon by society, but it is not. I myself attempt self actualization by always trying to better myself whether it's as a boyfriend, friend, brother, son, golfer, dancer, or whatever else I might decide to do. Self actualization is not just a part of my life, it's my philosophy

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