Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cisco Systems, Inc. Blogging Policy

Cisco Systems, Inc. has established rules and regulations that apply to all of their employees who use multimedia and social networking websites (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc.). The new technology that Cisco has created is for the sole purpose of its employees to communicate and collaborate. Basically Cisco states that "common sense" is the best guide that they suggest for the users of the blog. If the employee is unsure about information Cisco states that they consult Cisco "internet postings". Also disclosing any information that is considered confidential is a violation of the company's policy. Overall there are several guidelines that need to be taken into consideration when posting personal opinions on the company's blog website.

After reading Cisco's policy about blogging, I came to the conclusion that any negative press or information that doesn't comply with the company will not be taken lightly. The company wishes to uphold a positive image for the public while giving their employees the opportunity of free speech. With that said, Cisco strongly suggest that if an employee does wish to post personal opinions they should state these opinions does not reflect Cisco, but reflect their personal point of view. Since the employees are legally responsible for their postings they may be subject to liability if the postings are in violation of any other applicable law. Employees aren't allow to use the Cisco's logo, trademark, etc. in their postings. From the beginning Cisco Systems, Inc. states clearly that if any of these rules are in violation it can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

To be honest, I don't think I have ever heard of Cisco Systems, Inc. but after reviewing their website and the type of technology they possess it is impressive. I am sure the employees would have some interesting ideas to share regarding the company and their duties in the company.

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