Thursday, September 25, 2008

Be Remarkable!

Mr. Seth Godin made a presentation entitled Seth Godin: Sliced bread and other marketing delights in California in 2003 at a Marketing conference. His main topic was advertising schemes and principles. He talked about how advertising spends so much money on marketing to people who don't listen. He suggested marketing to a different audience because they will listen! They care about what you say and tell them to buy. He suggests selling to people who are listening, and maybe those people will tell their friends! Be remarkable! He kept saying be remarkable. You want people to remember your product. For example, Silk (the milk product) didn't advertise their product. They just placed it in the milk section. People who shopped were interested because all they saw was milk, milk, milk and then some thing new! They did something remarkable. Building a building that is world renowned for it's beauty and architecture in a city that is suffering economically is remarkable. I really enjoyed watching this presentation because Seth was very enticing. He had passion about what he was saying and he was very funny to listen to. His pictures corresponded with what he was saying. The timing was perfect. He showed examples of brands he mentioned and visuals to help explain ideals. I felt like I learned a lot just watching it! It didn't feel like a lecture but a laid back atmosphere where people were talking about life! He did well and left a really good impression on me.

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