Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mushrooms to the Rescue

I watched Paul Stamets: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world. This was a very interesting presentation that I thought would have been really boring, but it was actually very good. Paul Stamets did a great job on presenting something that would have been very complicated if not brought down to an average persons knowledge. He walked us through several experiments he did and his conclusions of the value of mushrooms. Quick synopsis of his presentation was that mushrooms can revitalize polluted soils, provide medications, provide food, restore forests, usable to populate a new planet, and is a revolutionary insecticide. He was very proficient at speaking clearly and slowly allowing the audience to absorb the material. The pictures in the presentation were very descriptive and professional looking and needed no text to explain. I was very impressed with this presentation and I would suggest anyone who would like to see a great presentation on something that would seem really boring.

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