Sunday, September 28, 2008


The thing that caught my attention about the slideshow, Thirsty was the opening slide. The first thought that came to my mind is HOME! This summer I did an internship at Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division and for all you who don't Memphis, TN has the BEST drinking water in the country (and that's tap water, you should try it!) so I thought this should be interesting because while interning I learned a lot about where the water comes from and the water treatment process. It was all very interesting and complicated but in the end the water is GREAT! I love the fact that the author jbrenman put what seem like little information on each slide but with big impact on the readers. I didn't know that water was that scarce or will become in the near future which is extremely scary because I love water and we as humans depend on water to live. I liked the way he gave the viewer an alternative way of looking at the situation by making it more realistic and how it will affect every one of us. Also the images added more life to the presentation. I think that this slideshow should be use to show Americans the importance of conserving water because I think this privilege of having clean, good tasting water is taken for granted everyday when other countries struggle or make it a priority to conserve in their homes. Everyone should take a look at it; it's very informational!

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