Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hill and Knowlton Blogging Policy

Hill & Knowlton is a public relations firm that is known for its pr campaigns for the US government and connections to many other governments around the world. It was founded amidst the depression and has grown to to being in the top five PR firms. They have a fairly large blogging platform for their employees and have four requirements to blog on their site.
"1.You must be an employee of a wholly-owned Hill & Knowlton office
2. You must assess your own suitability using our self-assessment questionnaire
3. You must agree to the code of practice we expect all our bloggers to follow
4. You must complete a short training module that explains how to use our blogging software."
These rules can be found at their page to sign up to blog.

The code of practice is Hill & Knowlton's guidelines for people wishing to participate in the blog. It consists of being respectful and not criticizing other peoples blogs. One is also expected to write professionally and accurately while also respecting the terms of employement. They stress accuracy and citing your sources. The last point they state is to not delete other peoples comments or blogs unless it interferes with the code of conduct.

The rules for this blog are very fair, not limiting its employees to talking about problems within the organization, which you do not find many other places. The one downside to their blog page is that others who are not apart of the community can interact with them.

1 comment:

Niall Cook said...

Thanks Rylan. I'm not sure why allowing people who aren't part of our community to interact with us is a "downside"?